When it comes to smoking, there are allot of options out there, papers, blunts, metal pipes, acrylic plastic, ceramic, glass, and now even quartz and electronic pens. I’m going to talk about the three most popular mediums today for the novice smoker. When you go to your first smoke shop you will be presented with hundreds of choices most of them will fall under three categories; metal, plastic and glass. It’s widely accepted that glass is the superior smoking medium for cannabis and there are 5 reasons why.
- Longevity - Glass will last you forever if you take care of it. The majority of glass bongs and pipes that are on the market right now are made with a type of glass called borosilicate glass or commonly known as pyrex glass. Pyrex glass is much stronger and much more stable that your regular soft glass. It has a much higher melting point and is resistant to thermal shock which means placing ice water in your piece and then smoking out of it right away won’t shatter the glass.
- Glass can been easily cleaned. We have all seen dirty used pipes before, caked with resin and dark as night. The great thing about glass is that it can be very easily cleaned. A simple bath in ISO alcohol and salt and a little shakey shakey will get that glass sparkling like brand new. You can’t say that about plastics or metals.
- The design possibilities. The limits of glassblowing is limited only to the imagination and skill of the artist behind the torch. With all the talented heady and scientific glass blowers out there the sky is literally the limit on what designs and functions are possible with glass. Bongs with percs, and recyclers are so common now we can’t wait to see what comes next.
- Taste, if you have ever had a can of your favorite beer compare it to a glass bottle of that same beer. You will notice that the glass bottle gives a better taste! This is because glass is completely flavor inert, which means that it won’t alter the taste of whatever you are consuming. You can’t say that about plastics and metals. Why spend on that hard earned cash on some premium bud only to wash out all that flavor with a cheap plastic or metallic taste in your mouth? Go with glass and get the best smoking experience possible.
- Health, now people don’t really think about this one much because it’s involving smoking so how healthy can it be? We if you think about it why put extra toxins in your body when you don’t have to? Plastic acrylics can leach BPA and other harmful chemicals for your body to absorb. Metal when tarnished and dull can oxidize and when burnt can off-gas harmful fumes that are deadly to the human body. There just not sense in prolonged usage of either of these smoking mediums.
So if you are looking for the longest lasting, lowest maintenance, best performing, best tasting and healthiest smoking option out there. Look no further it’s gotta be the glass pipe, from your dry spoon to your triple chamber water bong you can’t go wrong with glass.