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Dropdown Adapters for Rigs the greatest thing since pre-rolled jays? Smoker Protips

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The Ultimate Dabbing Accessory

So just in case you are a little confused about what we are talking about today, Drop Downs are what many people like to use with their dab rigs. These allow people who like to dab to convert rigs very easily to joints of all kinds of size and no matter the gender. It gives a person a bit more versatility and allows them a bit more freedom. A great example is if you have a nice 14 mm honey bucket, but it is not getting much use as you have a 10 mm rig. Well with a Drop Down, you can use it on your 10 mm rig with no problems at all. Keeping a nice distance between the joint and the hot nail is the other main use of a Drop Down which we will get into more details about now!

Reduces The Heat Stress

One of the biggest annoyances that dabbers have to deal with is heat stress. Have you ever noticed cracks on your joint or had a joint just become totally unusable? Well, this is because of the heat that goes from the nail to the joint. Many dabbers have actually just gone and made the jump to quartz bangers. This is because when heat stress does occur it often happens without you realizing and by the time you notice heat stress is an issue, it is too late! Drop Downs give the joint and nail some breathing space by creating a nice amount of distance between the two. So when you heat your nail, you are not running the risk of doing some damage to your piece!

No More Cleaning Your Rig All The Time!

Ok so you will still have to clean your rig, but Drop Downs are just awesome when it comes to catching reclaim. Yes, there are actual reclaimers on the market. A Drop Down, due to its shape will allow reclaim to just gather right at the bottom of the joint. This keeps it cleaner and it also makes it very easy for you to get to so you can use that reclaim with a dabber at another time. If you are the kind of smoker who hates cleaning your piece then you will love how it stays much cleaner thanks to oil be caught instead of just going into the water.

You Can Actually See What You Are Doing

Sometimes the nail can be a little too close to your face for comfort. But with a Drop Down the nail is usually sitting nicely at eye level. It is great for those who have smaller rigs where you are practically cross eyed when you use it. The Drop Down gives you that little bit more distance where you can actually see the oil on your nail which is really cool.

We specialize in all kinds of Drop Downs and if need hooking up or want some advice and more information, we are here to help you out. 

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